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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How will the service "A01.010.000 'Reception: Nurse with secondary education' be paid?
In accordance with Order No. 37, the service A01.010.000 "Admission: A nurse with secondary education" is provided in youth health centers and is paid according to the tariff in the OSMS system. If the nurse works in the district service, she is paid at the expense of the CPN, if the patient is provided with services in the ICZ, then at the rate.
2. What is the regionalization of emergency cardiac care?
Regionalization is the division of medical organizations into appropriate levels of emergency cardiological care (cardiological, cardiac surgery) for patients with acute coronary syndrome and (or) acute myocardial infarction, depending on the complexity of the medical technology provided, as well as the distribution of cardiac surgery by complexity categories. Order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2021 No.KR DSM-139
3. The procedure for discharge from the maternity ward?
On the day of discharge of maternity patients from the hospital, an examination, assessment of the condition, consultation on the method of exclusive breastfeeding, on the prevention of complications and alarming signs is carried out, the patient is given an extract from the medical card to the attached polyclinic, an extract from the history of childbirth and information about the maternity hospital for active visits to the actual place of residence in electronic format to the email address of the PHC organization or in the form of a telephone or written notification. If the maternity hospital has changed its place of residence, it must be attached to the actual place of residence.
4. Can a pregnant woman receive iron supplements at the clinic for free?
Pregnant women who are registered with Iron deficiency anemia can receive iron preparations as part of free and preferential drug provision at the outpatient level.
(Order No. KR DSM – 75 "On approval of the List of medicines and medical devices for free and (or) preferential outpatient care for certain categories of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan with certain diseases (conditions)"
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