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Know your doctor: TOP-10 topical questions for attaching to the clinic

From September 15 to November 15, Kazakhstan hosts an annual campaign of attachment to polyclinics. What it gives the population, how to apply, and for what reason they can refuse – we give practical answers to all your questions.

What does attachment give, and why is it needed?

The provision of emergency medical care is always available to the population and does not depend on the attachment to the clinic.

To provide planned pre-medical or medical care, it is necessary to attach to a polyclinic. Everyone should know their local doctor.

If the patient is attached, the appointment of a General practitioner/therapist/pediatrician, consultation of a narrow specialist, diagnostic and laboratory examinations, free medicines, conservative or surgical treatment, as well as day hospital services are provided to the patient both in the guaranteed amount of free medical care (gobmp) and in the social health insurance system.

If a person is not attached to a polyclinic, there are difficulties in the availability of planned medical care. Therefore, it is still necessary to attach to the clinic and visit your local doctor.

- Where can I attach myself?

You can only attach to medical organizations that provide primary health care (PHC), as well as conduct preventive screenings and occupational examinations. These include: city polyclinics, outpatient clinics, paramedic and midwifery centers, family health centers (PHC centers).

You can only attach to one medical organization at the place of residence, work or study. Residents of the suburbs have the opportunity to attach themselves to a nearby city polyclinic.

- What should I pay attention to when attaching?

- Whether the medical organization is a supplier of the social health insurance Fund and whether it provides medical services within the framework of two free packages – gobmp and OSMS, including under a subcontract agreement. Otherwise, You will not be able to exercise Your right to guaranteed and insured medical packages.

- How to attach?

- To date, there are three ways to attach.

The first way is to contact the clinic's registry and write an application for attachment. This method is available only for old-age pensioners, people with disabilities, children, including those born in foreign countries, living in baby homes, orphans, convicts serving in colonies, students and students studying in madrassas, conscripts or applying for an attachment by proxy.

To do this, you will need an identity card, passport or residence permit. If you want to attach a child under 18 years of age, you must provide documents proving the identity of the child and his legal representative-mother, father or guardian.

The second method is to apply for an attachment through the public service Center (PSC). You must have an identity card, passport or residence permit with you. The application processing period is one business day.

The third way is to attach yourself to the clinic without leaving your home. It is enough to submit an application through the e-government portal http://egov.kz. To do this:

- Select the "health Care" section on the main page of the site;

- in the "Medical care" tab, click on the service "Attachment to a medical organization that provides primary health care»;

- click the "Order service online" button»;

- to send an attachment request, you must fill in all the items marked with a green icon;

- after sending the request, you will see the status "Request in processing". The answer about the attachment will be sent to Your personal account within one business day.

- What list of documents will be required for attachment?

- ID card. For pensioners-a pension certificate, for persons with disabilities-a pension certificate or an extract from the certificate of examination of medical and social expertise. Guardians assigned by law to a disabled person from childhood, as well as guardians or Trustees, foster carers must provide a court decision or other document confirming guardianship, guardianship. Convicts serving sentences in colonies and military personnel-Protocol of the Commission for consideration of issues of registration of attachment (detachment) of the population to PHC.

Students and students in madrasah under 18 years, provide an official request to the rector of a higher educational institution in moderanization and Protocol Committee between the school and the organization of PHC. Children born outside Kazakhstan – a document confirming the birth in a foreign country. Medical and social institutions, such as children's homes, orphanages, and nursing homes – are the decision of the local Executive bodies of the state health administration of oblasts, cities of Republican significance, and the capital.

- How does the attachment system work, and during what period Should you be provided with a response?

- When directly contacting a medical organization, a specialist of the polyclinic makes a request for attachment to the medical information system "register of attached population", after which the specialist of the information organization considers the request for attachment and decides on the approval of the application, or on a reasoned refusal. The result of providing public services is a coupon for attaching to a medical organization or a reasoned refusal.

When a patient applies via e-government, the patient receives a notification of attachment or a reasoned refusal in the form of an electronic document in the "Personal account" within 1 business day. If there is a phone number or e-mail address in the information system, the medical organization notifies the patient about the attachment.

- Schedule of work of medical organizations and the portal?

- Clinics are open from Monday to Saturday. From Monday to Friday from 8 am to 20.00 without a break, on Saturday from 9 am to 14.00, except weekends (Sunday) and public holidays. At the same time, the request for attachment is accepted 2 hours before the end of work, that is, until 6 PM on working days and until 12 PM on Saturday.

The portal "Government for citizens" is open around the clock, except for technical breaks related to repair work. When the patient applies after the end of working hours, as well as on weekends and holidays, the acceptance of applications and the issuance of results is the next working day. The maximum allowed waiting time for the delivery of documents, as well as for the patient's service, is 30 minutes.

- Can you attach at any time, or only as part of the attachment campaign?

- You can attach to the medical organization at any time if You have changed your place of residence, left the city for a period of more than one month, for the first time decided to use the right of free choice or attachment, as well as if the attachment was made without Your knowledge. Also in case of reorganization or liquidation of the medical organization, termination of the contract with the social health insurance Fund. Or, if a new clinic has opened close to Your home. A voluntary health insurance contract concluded between the policyholder and the insurance company may also be grounds for attachment outside the campaign. In other cases, the attachment is only possible within the campaign from September 15 to November 15.

- Is the medical organization obliged to inform the patient about the termination of medical services?

- Yes, medical organizations are required to notify the attached patients in writing at the place of residence if the provision of medical care is terminated. At least thirty calendar days before the date of termination, if changes were made to the contract for the purchase of services. Within two calendar days from the day when it became known about the reorganization or liquidation of the PHC organization. Within two calendar days from the day when it became known that the Fund did not allocate the volume of medical services.

- Can the attachment be refused?

Yes. If the place Of your actual residence does not belong geographically to the clinic to which You want to attach, but you do not refuse the service "call a doctor at home". You are warned that if you call a mobile team or a local doctor at home, they will not be able to come to you and provide assistance, since You are out of their service area. If you agree to this, and the clinic is ready to accept You, then You take all the risks associated with this.

The reason for refusal may be the absence of a document confirming legal representation, in the case of attachment of children, or the establishment of unreliability of the documents submitted by the patient for receiving public services, and/or the data/information contained in them. They can also refuse because of the excess of the number of attached population for one General practitioner 1,700 people of the mixed population, a district therapist 2,200 people, a district pediatrician-500 children from 0 to 6 years, 900 children from 0 to 14 years.

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