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High-quality and affordable medical care

High-quality and affordable medical care

1. What kind of medical care can you get?
  • Emergency medical care;
  • Attachment to the polyclinic and medical care of the district service (district doctor and nurse);
  • Early detection of diseases (screening) - available only for insured persons in the CSHI;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis and HIV infection;
  • Diagnosis of diseases (except tuberculosis and HIV infection) - available only for insured persons in the CSHI;
  • Treatment and dynamic monitoring of chronic and socially significant diseases;
  • Rehabilitation for tuberculosis and in the acute period of the disease in a hospital;
  • Rehabilitation - available only for insured persons in the MSHI;
  • Injuries, poisoning, acute conditions;
  • Treatment of diseases that pose a danger to others;
2. Family planning
Choice: Every adult has the right to decide for himself when and how many children to have, as well as to use safe methods of contraception.
Health: You have access to reproductive health services, including family planning, infertility treatment using modern methods, as well as the opportunity to prevent unwanted pregnancies and ensure safe motherhood.
Information: Everyone is guaranteed access to honest and complete information about their reproductive health.
Donation and sterilization: You can become a germ cell donor or undergo a sterilization procedure, if this is your desire.
Artificial termination of pregnancy: If necessary, you have the right to a safe artificial termination of pregnancy in accordance with the law.
Protection of rights: You are guaranteed the protection of your reproductive rights.

Also, special attention is paid to family planning and the prevention of hereditary diseases. If you have medical indications, you have the right to appropriate consultations and examinations.
In addition, at the birth of a child, the father or another family member may be present at the birth, if the woman agrees and all safety conditions are met.
People with HIV infection have equal rights to adopt and use assisted reproductive technologies.
It is important to remember that in exercising their reproductive rights, everyone is obliged to respect the rights and freedoms of others. This information concerns each of us and it is important that everyone is aware of their rights and opportunities to take care of their own health and happiness.

Source: According to Article 79 of the Code “On the Health of the People and the Health care System"
3. Choosing a doctor and medical organization
Every patient has the right to choose and replace a doctor or a medical organization providing medical care within the guaranteed scope of free medical care and (or) in the system of compulsory social health insurance, except in cases of emergency and urgent care.
However, it is worth noting that the choice of a polyclinic is based on the following principles:
1) Family service;
2) territorial accessibility of primary health care;
3) free choice of a medical organization within the territorial accessibility of primary health care;
4) patient satisfaction with the quality of medical care;
5) equality and fair competition, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation.

The attachment to the polyclinic is carried out at the place of permanent or temporary residence, taking into account the right to freely choose a PHC organization within one administrative-territorial unit.
The free choice of a primary health care doctor is carried out in the polyclinic at the place of attachment, taking into account the number of attached population on the site.

The attachment of foreigners and (or) stateless persons temporarily staying in the Republic of Kazakhstan, asylum seekers to PHC organizations is carried out to provide:
PHC within the framework of voluntary medical insurance (VMI);
PHC within the framework of imputed health insurance (IUD).

Article 77 of the Code "On the Health of the People and the Health care system"
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 2020 No. KR DSM-194/2020 "On approval of the rules for attaching individuals to healthcare organizations providing primary health care" 
4. Disease prevention and healthy lifestyle
The main purpose of prevention is to prevent diseases, their consequences and complications. There are three types of prevention: primary (prevention of diseases), secondary (stopping the progression of diseases), and tertiary (control of complications).

Preventive measures cover all population groups and take into account age, psychological and social aspects.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle includes regular physical activities, promotion of a healthy diet and preventive measures such as information and hygiene training.

Preventive vaccinations create immunity to infections and are divided into mandatory (planned and epidemiological indications) and voluntary (on a paid basis). Mandatory vaccinations are carried out for everyone in Kazakhstan, the list and procedure are determined by the government. Before vaccination, a medical examination is carried out and information about possible consequences is provided. Children without routine vaccinations are admitted to preschool institutions when they achieve collective immunity.

These measures strengthen health and reduce the risk of diseases.

Source: Articles 84, 85 of the Code "On the Health of the People and the Health care system" 
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