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Chronic and socially significant diseases

Chronic and socially significant diseases

1. Chronic and socially significant diseases
Socially significant diseases depend on unfavorable socio-economic conditions. The lists of such diseases were approved by the Orders of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 108 and No. 109.
Lists of diseases:
- Socially significant diseases
- Chronic diseases

In Kazakhstan, dynamic monitoring, treatment and drug provision for people with socially significant and chronic diseases is provided within the framework of the GOBMP, regardless of the insurance status.

Socially significant diseases and places of observation:
- Tuberculosis: tuberculosis dispensary
- HIV: AIDS centers
- Hepatitis and cirrhosis: polyclinic
- Cancer: cancer clinic
- Diabetes, cerebral palsy, heart attack, rheumatism, systemic and nervous diseases: polyclinic
- Mental disorders: mental health centers
- Orphan diseases: polyclinic

- The conclusion of the district doctor, a specialized specialist or an extract from the medical record.
- Confirmation of the diagnosis according to clinical protocols.

- Planned: Referral for day or round-the-clock hospitalization.
- Emergency: Without referral in acute condition.

Medical care:
- Dynamic observation.
- Rehabilitation.
- Hospitalization.
- Drug provision.

Source: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2020 No. KR DSM-149/2020 "
On approval of the rules for the organization of medical care for persons with chronic diseases, the frequency and timing of follow-up, the mandatory minimum and frequency of diagnostic tests"
(https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2000021513 )
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